Tema Workshop : Skills You Need to be a Great Python Developer
Tempat : Zoom ( Live Webinar )
Tanggal pelaksanaan : Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2020
Jam : 13.00 - 17.00 WIB
Biaya registrasi : 275K
Apa yang akan kamu pelajari?
- Audience understand the product management process
- Audience understand how to create a database scheme
- Audience understand the front-end and back-end operations process
- Audience understand the introduction to the Django framework
- Audience understand how to do unit testing process
- Audience understand what can and cannot be done using Django
- Building a CRUD web application using Django
- Audience understand software engineering culture
Kamu akan mendapatkan :
- E-certificate
- Speaker’s deck
- Knowledge and skills directly from well-curated experts
- An exclusive networking session to get insight from the experts
- Phyton-based repository portfolio
Info dan kontak:
Silakan daftar di link berikut: http://bit.ly/glints-sews01